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viumbe kwenye maji ni miongoni mwa sekta zinazokuwa kwa kasi katika uzalishaji
wa chakula duniani, pamoja na wingi wa pato lake bidhaa zinazozalishwa nchini
zinaendelea, matarajio ya sekta hii ni kuendeleza michango yake katika usalama
wa chakula na kupunguza umaskini. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kwa juhudi za sasa kuwa
mafanikio ya baadaye ya sekta katika nchi zinazoendelea na zilizoendelea,
matatizo ya kijamii na kimazingira yanashughulikiwa ili kuhakikisha kwamba
sekta hii inakuwa endelevu.
yafuatayo ni baadhi ya mambo muhimu ya kuzingatia kabla ya mjasiliamali hajaanza ufugaji wa samaki;
- Jambo la kwanza la msingi ni vipimo. Kimsingi hakuna vipimo maalum vya ukubwa wa bwawa maana ukubwa wa bwawa unategemea eneo na malengo. Kwa mfanyabiashara bwawa kubwa litakuwa ni bora zaidi kwake ili aweze kuvuna samaki wengi zaidi ukilinganisha na mtu anayefuga kwa ajili ya chakula.
- Jambo la pili ni kuwa unapochimba bwawa unatakiwa kuchimba upande mmoja uwe na kina au umbali wa mita 1.5 (mita moja na nusu) na upande mwingine mita 1 na sentimita 20 kwenda chini. Hii ni kwa sababu mianya ya jua ambayo inapeleka mwanga ardhini haiwezi kupenya kwenda chini zaidi ya mita 1.5 na hivyo ukizidisha zaidi ya hapo utakuwa umepoteza nguvu zako bure na ukipunguza utakuwa umeathiri ustawi wa samaki.
hatua ya kwanza ya uandaaji wa bwawa |
- hatua ya pili ya uandaaji wa bwawa la samaki ni kulijengea,katika hatua hii ni muhimu kuwatafuta wataalamu walio na uzoefu wa kujenga na sio kila fundi ujenzi anaweza kujenga bwawa la samaki,kumekuwa na tabia ya baadhi ya wajasiliamali kwa kukwepa gharama huwachukua watu wasio na utaalamu,matokeo yake mabwawa mengi yanekuwa yakiwasumbua kwa kuvujisha maji,au kupasuka,kama hali ya uchumi hairuhusu ni heri ukaacha kulijengea bwawa lako ya kufugia samaki.
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hatua ya pili ya uandaaji wa bwawa |
- hii ni hatua ya mwisho katika uandaaji wa bwawa la kufugia samaki,katika hatua hii ni vyema kuhakikisha kwamba bwawa lako limejengwa vizuri na halivujishi maji,bwawa likiwa linapitisha maji ni hatari sana kwa usalama wa maisha ya samaki
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hatua ya tatu ya uandaaji wa bwawa |
Watu wengi wamekuw wakijiuliza nini hasa maana ya ujasiliamali? na mtu ili aitwe mjasiliamali anapaswa awe na sifa gani?
7 Sure Ways to Overcome Insecurity in Bed and Become The Sexiest You …
to Overcome Insecurity in Bed is touchy. Sex is a touchy subject,
especially if you are uncomfortable with it. If you find that you’ve
been trying to learn how to overcome insecurity in bed but haven’t found
the right tips, don’t worry ladies. Insecurities are nothing to be
ashamed about and below, I’ve compiled the top 7 ways of how to overcome
insecurity in bed to ensure that you kick your insecurities and get on
with having fun!
1. Walk Around Naked More
Believe it or not, but if you aren’t comfortable in your own skin, you probably aren’t going to be comfortable in bed with someone. Walking around naked is the first step toward learning how to overcome insecurity in bed. Even if you limit just walking around your bedroom naked – just make sure all of the drapes are closed!
2. Masturbate More
I know it’s touchy, but masturbating is actually a healthy thing to do. It’s something everybody does. It’s honestly normal ladies, it’s also a great way for you to start to learn how to overcome insecurity in bed, especially if you know what you like. Knowing what you like will help you pass on what you like to your partner, trust me, the more practice you get in pleasuring yourself, the better you’ll feel about letting someone else do the work.
3. Relax
Sex, being intimate and bedtime should all be comfortable. If you have been with your partner for a really long time, it’s important that you’re comfortable with them. One of the surefire ways to learn how to overcome insecurity in bed is to relax, to trust and to know your partner.
4. Accept Yourself
Everybody has their own likes, their own ways of doing things and their own fetishes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you like. If you are going to learn how to overcome insecurity in bed, you’re going to have to accept what you like and accept yourself.
5. Practice
Sex is fun ladies. If you’re with the right guy, it can be awesome and the more you practice at it, the better you’re going to get at it and the more comfortable. So why don’t you give it a try, practice a few more times, who knows how the praise will boost your confidence!
6. Dirty Talk
Talking dirty can be fun. It can also be a great way for you to connect with your lover. If you are getting down to business, don’t worry about what comes out in conversation, just go with the flow and see how your partner responds!
7. Have Fun
This is absolutely the most important tips on how to overcome insecurity in bed – have fun. Sex is supposed to be fun. If you aren’t having fun, you might want to seek some help to discuss some deeper issues you might have. Sex shouldn’t be hard, especially with a spouse that you love.
Learning how to overcome insecurity in bed can be uncomfortable at times, especially if you are new to having sex. Just remember, take your time, let your partner know your fears and keep it all open. So ladies, what tips have you used to how to overcome insecurity in bed? Do you have any advice that might help some of the girls that are new to sex?
Karibu sana katika blog hii,ambayo itakupa habari mbali mbali juu ya elimu ya ujasiliamali,kwanza kabisa watuwengi huwa wanajiuliza nini hasa maana ya ujasiliamali?na mtu ili aitwe mjasiliamali anatakiwa awe na sifa gani? hayo ni baadhi ya maswali ambayo watu wengi huwa tunajiuliza,majibu yake ni rahisi sana
Dhana ya Ujasiriamali ina maana pana , miongoni mwa hizo ni; Mjasiriamali ni mtu ambaye ana hamasa kubwa ya kuleta mabadiliko chanya katika hali yake ya kiuchumi ambaye ana tabia za kipekee ili kufanikisha azma yake hiyo kwa kujishuhulisha (yaani kujiajiri) ili awe na hali nzuri zaidi kiuchumi.
Mjasiliamali ni mtu yoyote aliyeweza kuzitunia fursa mbalimbali zinazomzunguka katika mazingira yake ili kujipatia kipato
Dhana ya Ujasiriamali ina maana pana , miongoni mwa hizo ni; Mjasiriamali ni mtu ambaye ana hamasa kubwa ya kuleta mabadiliko chanya katika hali yake ya kiuchumi ambaye ana tabia za kipekee ili kufanikisha azma yake hiyo kwa kujishuhulisha (yaani kujiajiri) ili awe na hali nzuri zaidi kiuchumi.
Mjasiliamali ni mtu yoyote aliyeweza kuzitunia fursa mbalimbali zinazomzunguka katika mazingira yake ili kujipatia kipato
Kwa mitazamo mbalimbali ya wasomi wana muelezea Mjasiriamali
zozote zinazoweza kujitokeza katika biashara/shughuli yake husika.
1. Mbunifu
hiki ni kitendo cha kubini au kutunga njia mbadala tofauti na zile zilizo zoeleka na watu wengi,kitendo hiki kitamfanya mjasiliamali kuweza kutoa huduma au kuwa na bidhaa tofauti zenye kuvutia katika soko hii itamfanya mjasiliamali kutanua soko na kuwa na wateja wengi.
hiki ni kitendo cha ushujaa sana kwa mjasiriamali,hapa
tunazungumzia uwezo na utayali wa kufanya maamuzi ya kuingia katika biashara
fulani au mradi fulani huku ukiwa umeondoa nidhamu ya woga. Watu wengi ni waoga
wa kuchukua hatua au kuthubutu kuingia katika biashara,au mradi washwahili walisema:
3. Jitihada
Mjasiriamali wakweli ni yule anachukua hatua bila kujali vikwazo wala matatizo, anatumia
mbinu mbadala kuondokana na matatizo yanavyomkabili. Pia anatakiwa kuwajibika kutimiza lengo alilokusudia. Kimsingi
mjasiriamali hachoki na wala hakati tamaa, muda wote akishindwa hili
hufanya lile au kubadilisha mbinu ili afikie malengo.
4. Nidhamu
Hii pia ni kanuni muhimu sana kwa mjasiriamali,mjasiriamali lazima awena na nidhamu katika biashara yake,awe na nidhamu katika matumiza yake ya pesa na ni lazima awe na nidhamu ya kufanya kakazi kwa bidii.nidhamu ni chanzo cha mafanikiao kwa kila mjasiliamali.
mjasiliamali aliyekomaa haogopi ushindani wa kibiashara au kisoko,ni vyema kuzikabili changamoto mbalimbali zitokanazo na ushindani kutoka kwa wajasiliamali wengine kwani zitakujenga na kukufanya kutambua mbinu mbadala zitakazo kuimarisha na kuinua soko au biashara yako.
6. kupenda kujifunza
hii ni moja ya nguzo bora sana katika ujasiliamali,bila kujifunza hutoweza kusonga mbele katika shughuli unazo fanya,ni lazima kwa mjasiliamali kujifunza vitu vipya kupitia semina,makongamano,kusoma vitabu au majarida mbalimbali ili ajiongezee ujuzi utakao mfanya aweze kwenda sambamba na maendeleo haya ya sayansi na teknolojia.
7.kuwa na malengo
malengo ni yale yote mjasiliamali anatarajia kuyapata kutokana na hicho alicho kikusudia kukifanya,ni vyema kwa mjasiliamali kuwa na malengo ya muda mrefu na yale ya muda mfupi,hii itamfanya mjasiliamali kuweza kufanya tathmini juu ya mwenendo wa biashara yake au shughuli anayoifanya.
8 Uaminifu
Hii nayo ni tabia ambayo mjasiriamali anatakiwa kuwanayo,wateja wengi wanapenda mtu mwamifu na mkweli. Kama mjasiriamali ni lazima ufanye kazi yako katika mazingira ya uamifu na ukweli ili upate wateja wengi.Uongo katika biashara ni sumu ambayo itaua biashara yako.
NB;mjasiliamali ya kweli ni yule mwenye uwezo wa kubadili changamoto azipatazo katika shughuli zake za kila siku ili kuwa fursa, hii inamfanya awe mkomavu mwenye kuleta ushindani katika soko
4. Nidhamu
Hii pia ni kanuni muhimu sana kwa mjasiriamali,mjasiriamali lazima awena na nidhamu katika biashara yake,awe na nidhamu katika matumiza yake ya pesa na ni lazima awe na nidhamu ya kufanya kakazi kwa bidii.nidhamu ni chanzo cha mafanikiao kwa kila mjasiliamali.
mjasiliamali aliyekomaa haogopi ushindani wa kibiashara au kisoko,ni vyema kuzikabili changamoto mbalimbali zitokanazo na ushindani kutoka kwa wajasiliamali wengine kwani zitakujenga na kukufanya kutambua mbinu mbadala zitakazo kuimarisha na kuinua soko au biashara yako.
6. kupenda kujifunza
hii ni moja ya nguzo bora sana katika ujasiliamali,bila kujifunza hutoweza kusonga mbele katika shughuli unazo fanya,ni lazima kwa mjasiliamali kujifunza vitu vipya kupitia semina,makongamano,kusoma vitabu au majarida mbalimbali ili ajiongezee ujuzi utakao mfanya aweze kwenda sambamba na maendeleo haya ya sayansi na teknolojia.
7.kuwa na malengo
malengo ni yale yote mjasiliamali anatarajia kuyapata kutokana na hicho alicho kikusudia kukifanya,ni vyema kwa mjasiliamali kuwa na malengo ya muda mrefu na yale ya muda mfupi,hii itamfanya mjasiliamali kuweza kufanya tathmini juu ya mwenendo wa biashara yake au shughuli anayoifanya.
8 Uaminifu
Hii nayo ni tabia ambayo mjasiriamali anatakiwa kuwanayo,wateja wengi wanapenda mtu mwamifu na mkweli. Kama mjasiriamali ni lazima ufanye kazi yako katika mazingira ya uamifu na ukweli ili upate wateja wengi.Uongo katika biashara ni sumu ambayo itaua biashara yako.
NB;mjasiliamali ya kweli ni yule mwenye uwezo wa kubadili changamoto azipatazo katika shughuli zake za kila siku ili kuwa fursa, hii inamfanya awe mkomavu mwenye kuleta ushindani katika soko
9 Signs You Might be Bad at Sex …
You Are Bad at Sex can be subtle … or really obvious. Recognizing them
can be difficult, just because … well, who wants to think they’re bad at
sex? However, if you’re willing to look for signs you are bad at sex
can help make you a better lover, and that will make the experience much
better for you and your partner. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with
being not so great at sex, because while the urge is natural, the skills
are often learned. Besides, you never have to tell a soul that you’re
reading up on these signs you are bad at sex – just check them out, see
if they describe you, and work on making them better!
1. Self-Consciousness
One of the most telling signs you are bad at sex is a high level of self-consciousness. If you’re afraid to be seen naked, to have sex with the lights on, or to let your partner touch you in certain places, it definitely manifests as bad sex. That’s not necessarily the case, but it will seem like it. To really enjoy sex, and to be good at it, it helps if you’re comfortable in your own skin.
2. You Don’t Say What You Want
Not only will this make you seem bad at sex, but it will make your partner seem bad, too. It can be really hard to just come out and say what you want, but it’s necessary. After all, how else can your partner know?
3. You Don’t Know What You Want
You might say that this just can’t be one of the signs you are bad at sex, because you can’t possibly know what you want, but that’s not true. Even if you have little or no experience, you can think about the things you’d like to try. You may not end up liking them, true, but you do know if you want to try something.
4. You Don’t Take Control
It’s not always your partner’s job to take control. When you’re incredibly passive, that’s not going to be fun for either of you. You don’t have to be dominant or super aggressive, but it may help if you’re willing to take control some of the time, at least.
5. You Giggle a Lot
Now this one is kind of tricky. Laughing in and of itself is not one of the signs you are bad at sex. In fact, laughing when you’re intimate can be a good sign! However, if you keep giggling like an embarrassed school girl and turning the whole scene into something childish, then yeah, that’s a problem.
6. You’re Really Quiet
If you’ve ever watched an adult film, you know those girls scream and yell like nobody’s business. While some girls do really react that way, a lot of us don’t and you don’t have to either. However, you also shouldn’t be so quiet and still that it seems like you’re not there. At best, that’s going to make your partner really paranoid.
7. You Analyze too Much
It’s completely natural to put a lot of thought into thinking about what you want to do or if you want to do anything, especially if you’re inexperienced. However, if you and your partner have been together for a while, sometimes you just need to go with the flow. Don’t over-analyze everything, because that takes the spontaneity out of the situation, and that can definitely lead to bad sex.
8. You’re No Maintenance
Being a low maintenance girl is not one of the signs you are bad at sex, so don’t worry. However, when you’re a no maintenance girl, who doesn’t say what she wants or makes no effort at all, comes to bed in flannel footy pajamas with cream on your face, or neglects to shave for weeks at a time (unless that’s your bag, you know), then that, too, can lead to bad sex.
9. You’re Afraid to Try New Things
Like say, spontaneity is important in your sex life. This falls in line with going with the flow sometimes. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Sometimes being too plain vanilla makes it seem like you’re bad at sex. Besides, again, you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t like; if you try it and hate it, then so be it.
There are many signs you are bad at sex, and none of them are deal breakers. You don’t need to feel mortified or embarrassed. Instead, feel enlightened! Everything is a learning experience, and no one is an automatic expert at sex. As you can see, many signs you are bad at sex have to do with your comfort level. If you can learn how to make yourself feel more comfortable, things will go much more smoothly. You just have to be willing to recognize which signs you are bad at sex pertain to you, and work on them. On the other side of things, do you have any tips on how to improve your sexual skills?
1. Self-Consciousness
One of the most telling signs you are bad at sex is a high level of self-consciousness. If you’re afraid to be seen naked, to have sex with the lights on, or to let your partner touch you in certain places, it definitely manifests as bad sex. That’s not necessarily the case, but it will seem like it. To really enjoy sex, and to be good at it, it helps if you’re comfortable in your own skin.
2. You Don’t Say What You Want
Not only will this make you seem bad at sex, but it will make your partner seem bad, too. It can be really hard to just come out and say what you want, but it’s necessary. After all, how else can your partner know?
3. You Don’t Know What You Want
You might say that this just can’t be one of the signs you are bad at sex, because you can’t possibly know what you want, but that’s not true. Even if you have little or no experience, you can think about the things you’d like to try. You may not end up liking them, true, but you do know if you want to try something.
4. You Don’t Take Control
It’s not always your partner’s job to take control. When you’re incredibly passive, that’s not going to be fun for either of you. You don’t have to be dominant or super aggressive, but it may help if you’re willing to take control some of the time, at least.
5. You Giggle a Lot
Now this one is kind of tricky. Laughing in and of itself is not one of the signs you are bad at sex. In fact, laughing when you’re intimate can be a good sign! However, if you keep giggling like an embarrassed school girl and turning the whole scene into something childish, then yeah, that’s a problem.
6. You’re Really Quiet
If you’ve ever watched an adult film, you know those girls scream and yell like nobody’s business. While some girls do really react that way, a lot of us don’t and you don’t have to either. However, you also shouldn’t be so quiet and still that it seems like you’re not there. At best, that’s going to make your partner really paranoid.
7. You Analyze too Much
It’s completely natural to put a lot of thought into thinking about what you want to do or if you want to do anything, especially if you’re inexperienced. However, if you and your partner have been together for a while, sometimes you just need to go with the flow. Don’t over-analyze everything, because that takes the spontaneity out of the situation, and that can definitely lead to bad sex.
8. You’re No Maintenance
Being a low maintenance girl is not one of the signs you are bad at sex, so don’t worry. However, when you’re a no maintenance girl, who doesn’t say what she wants or makes no effort at all, comes to bed in flannel footy pajamas with cream on your face, or neglects to shave for weeks at a time (unless that’s your bag, you know), then that, too, can lead to bad sex.
9. You’re Afraid to Try New Things
Like say, spontaneity is important in your sex life. This falls in line with going with the flow sometimes. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Sometimes being too plain vanilla makes it seem like you’re bad at sex. Besides, again, you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t like; if you try it and hate it, then so be it.
There are many signs you are bad at sex, and none of them are deal breakers. You don’t need to feel mortified or embarrassed. Instead, feel enlightened! Everything is a learning experience, and no one is an automatic expert at sex. As you can see, many signs you are bad at sex have to do with your comfort level. If you can learn how to make yourself feel more comfortable, things will go much more smoothly. You just have to be willing to recognize which signs you are bad at sex pertain to you, and work on them. On the other side of things, do you have any tips on how to improve your sexual skills?
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