Three Legislators Approach High Court Over Suspension

Dodoma — Three Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) MPs have applied for a judicial review at the High Court in Dodoma to go through the Speaker's decision on suspending them from the House on June 2 and 5 respectively, this year.
The Opposition Chief Whip, Mr Tundu Lissu, yesterday told journalists here that the three MPs believe that the decisions by the Speaker were against the Parliamentary standing orders.
According to Mr Lissu, the three MPs seek the High Court permission so that the court could review the Speaker's decision. "The three MPs have filed a judicial review at the high court in Dodoma, they are seeking for the High Court permission to proceed with legal procedures that will enable the review of the Speaker's decisions.
However, the court can grant them a permission or deny it, it depends," he said. He said, together with application for judicial review, the MPs have enclosed legal arguments that show irregularities in taking actions against them.
In June 2, this year, Speaker Ndugai ordered the eviction of Kibamba MP (Chadema) Mr John Mnyika from the debating chamber for violating the Parliamentary standing orders that guide the House business.
Speaker Ndugai said Mr Mnyika will not be allowed to attend the parliamentary ses sions for seven days.
In June 5, this year, the House voted to suspend two opposition lawmakers, Halima Mdee (Chadema - Kawe) and Esther Bulaya (Chadema - Bunda) after the Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee, found them guilty of counts against them.
Ms Bulaya was accused of showing disrespect towards the Speaker on June 2, 2017 when the Parliament was debating the budget for the Energy and Minerals Ministry for the 2017/2018 financial year while Ms Mdee was accused of preventing the sergeant at arms from removing Mr Mnyika out of the debating chamber when bitter exchanges erupted between him and the Speaker, Ndugai.
The Parliamentary Privileges, Ethics and Powers Committee, Capt. (rtd) George Mkuchika proposed that the two be suspended for the remaining days of the ongoing budget session as well as the entire September 2017 seating.

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