Every now and then, when we’ve got a new promotion, feasting the arrival of the holiday season, or just enjoying a reason to celebrate with friends and family,
one tends to lose count of the drinks one ends up consuming. And the next morning when we wake up we have very little recollection of what transpired last night because we’re too busy dealing with the awful queasiness and bouts of nausea.
one tends to lose count of the drinks one ends up consuming. And the next morning when we wake up we have very little recollection of what transpired last night because we’re too busy dealing with the awful queasiness and bouts of nausea.
But there’s no reason to despair, because like all illness and ailments, nature has the perfect cure for this one too. You don’t have to bear the awful fatigue and tiredness all day long, and you can certainly got your face out of the toilet seats because there are countless remedies to prevent and cure hangovers instantly.
Research reveals that one can reduce the risk of hangover by picking out one’s drink carefully, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and consuming certain hangover-preventing foods before indulging in drinking.
However, it is also important to limit one’s indulgence, but if one fails to do so and finds oneself struggling against a nasty hangover, we’ve picked out a variety of natural foods, fruits and juices that will fill you up in energy and relieve the uneasy symptoms in no time.
Here, take a look:
Coconut water does not contain any preservatives or harmful ingredients, and it is your best pick for boosting up your natural electrolytes and powering your body with a whopping dose of energy. However, you need to be careful about which coconut water brand you pick out, because most brands are not as organic as they claim to be. We recommend Zico Natural Pure Premium Coconut Water because its authenticity has been validated by ample research.
Freshly squeezed organic tomato juice is packed with minerals and vitamins, which are highly essential to nourish the body after a night of binge drinking. Tomato juice is rich and delicious and the best part is, it really works wonder at hydrating the body. Much like honey, tomato juice contains heaps of fructose that flushes out the lingering effects of alcohol and help you get rid of the awful hangover symptoms.
We all feel fatigued and energy deprived when we wake up after a night of heavy drinking. It’s actually our poor muscles who suffer the most when we binge drink, and it’s absolutely normal to feel tired and slow. It happens because the body’s potassium levels have fallen, and eating a banana can help energize your body because it is packed with heaps of potassium.
Banana will improve the functioning of your muscles, and eliminate the feeling of tiredness and nausea.
Eggs are packed with a rich dose of protein, an essential nutrient for regulating blood sugar levels and combatting toxins due to its cystine content. Organic pastured eggs which come from grass-fed hens raise on organic feed because they are loaded with Vitamin B, and help rejuvenate your body and brim you up with energy.
Honey contains heaps of concentrated fructose and antioxidants, which aid the body by flushing out all the alcohol present with the body instantly. You can always eat a spoonful of raw organic honey, or you can add it to warm water and enjoy it hot like a cup of tea. But eating honey with crackers is probably your best trick as it goes easy on the stomach and helps you digest the honey.
This South American grain is known for its therapeutic and fitness benefits, and it is extremely beneficial for curing the symptoms of an awful hangover.
You see, when you consume too much alcohol, the amino acids present in your body, which are the essential building blocks of protein, get reduced, and this deprives you of energy. In such a situation, quinoa is your best friend because it has a rich amino acid content and it can help you nourish your body and heal the damage.
You can easily prevent a hangover from developing in the first place, all you have to do is pick out your drinks and mixers with care. And this isn’t just applicable on the day after the binge drinking session, but even more so when you’re drinking. You see, picking out drinks such as gin, vodka and rum, which tend to be lowering congeners that are responsible for causing a hangover, can help you avoid this problem altogether.

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I read this post properly you have shared some information about hangover food wich is really useful for this problem but Herbal Drink For Hangover is also best way to cure this problem